The family-oriented animated sitcom, The Simpsons, has been around for a long time, long enough to will itself into offering up Season 33 this September with another season already predictably confirmed. During Comic-Con@Home 2021, the sitcom's staff tease what's to come for the family of five in the next season.
Turns out, fans will be treated to the most musical episode in The Simspons' history with its opening episode, The Star of the Backstage. A plethora of original songs will be sung during the episode, which was described as a "Broadway musical of an episode with wall to wall of music."
The plot of The Star of the Backstage revolves around Marge seeking to relive her time as the stage manager for her high school musicial. She does this by bringing everyone back together. The episode will also feature Helen Lovejoy singing as a teen and adult. Marge isn't going to sound the same, either, while singing as fans will be treated to actress Kristen Bell of Frozen fame's vocals.
Meanwhile elsewhere during the event, EP Al Jean announced a shift in this year's Treehouse of Horror, Treehouse of Horror XXXII. Instead of the normal rule of three, this fright-filled episode will host five separate segments. They also offered a promo for those curious.
The Simpsons Season 33 will begin airing on September 26.