Paramount Plus' satirical animated news show, Tooning Out the News, decided to cover Comic-Con@Home in a clip shared to YouTube earlier this week featuring the lovely co-hosts James Smartwood and Kylie Weaver alongside Tory Hughes, Tyler Templeton, Dr. Ike Bloom, and chief field correspondent James Smartwood Jr.
The clip featured on Paramount Plus' official YouTube channel dived into them covering cosplaying at home and the supposed expansion of the Star Trek universe with satirical titles like Star Trek: The Final Flapjack, Trek of Easttown: The Wrath of Wawa, Star Trek: Wacky Forehead Squad, Star Trek: SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE, and more.
The team also attempted to cover Marvel Cinematic Universe coverage before being inturuptted by Templeton claiming that Marvel stole his idea while confidently -- and adamently -- claiming to have created Ant Guy.
The scene from the comedy also tackled the potential dangers of cosplaying at home and making sure to inform everyone to make sure their costumes are easily removable to avoid people "seeing Thor with a big lump of mud in his pants."
Tooning Out the News already has racked up over a hundred episodes, each spanning less than half-an-hour. The series was even nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Short Form Comedy, Drama or Variety Series. It's currently in the middle of its second season.