While Nickelodeon has had countless beloved animated series over the years, Rugrats is certainly one that remains in fans' hearts. With all nine seasons of the series currently streaming alongside the follow-up show, All Grown Up, there have still been ways for those who love Tommy and the gang to tune in and check out their adventures.
However, those who are aching for a taste of the old stuff will certainly be excited about this month's launch of the Rugrats revival project. The new CGI-Animated series sees the babies back in action, and more importantly, the entire voice cast behind the children has returned to deliver the magic. These include E.G. Daily's Tommy, Nancy Cartwright's Chuckie, Cheryl Chase's Angelica, Cree Summer's Susie, and Kath Soucie as Phil and Lil.
The series was previously announced, but it has finally received an official release date with May 27th on Paramount+. The president of Nickelodeon Animation, Ramsey Naito, had previously stated the following when referencing the new series.
“Rugrats is one of the most iconic cartoons recognized by fans around the globe, and this original version is one we are taking great care and pride in creating for a brand-new audience. Having the voice cast behind these special characters come together is one of the essential pieces to making the show recognizable and we can’t wait to watch this talented group bring them to life again.”
Below you can see the new promotional video for yourself, which includes not only the release date and footage for Rugrats but also the rest of the May titles that viewers will be able to check out on the streamer.
What do you guys think? Are you excited to revisit the playpen with the original voice cast? Be sure to share your thoughts in the usual spot!
Nickelodeon fans will dig our chat with Rob Paulsen, the voice actor behind two Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Raphael and Donatello, which we have included for you below.