BoJack Horseman is a popular and acclaimed adult animated series which is currently in the midst of its sixth season. Despite being a comedy, the series handles quite mature subject matters such depression, addiction, self-destructive behavior, trauma, and more.
Will Arnett stars as the titular humanoid horse. The cast also includes Alison Brie, Amy Sedaris, and Aaron Paul. Back in September, the latter of those actors implied that Netflix are responsible for the sixth season of
BoJack Horseman being its last —
more on that here.
The show's creator has now confirmed that Netflix decided to bring the popular animated series to an end. Bob Waksberg told
Vulture the following:
“Yeah, I thought we’d go a couple more years. But you know, it’s a business. They’ve got to do what’s right for them, and six years is a very healthy run for a TV show. Frankly, I’m amazed we got this far. So I can’t complain. I think if we premiered on any other network, or even on Netflix on any other time than when we did, I don’t know if we would’ve gotten the second season.”
Waksberg said that he requested that Netflix notify him if they're planning to cancel
BoJack Horseman and thankfully they did. They were then able to properly wrap up plot threads and whatnot, as he explained:
“So when they picked up season six, they said, ‘Hey, remember how you asked for that heads-up? We think that this is your heads-up’. So I’m very grateful that we got that notice."
The first half of BoJack Horseman's sixth season is now available to stream on Netflix. Another eight episodes will debut on January 31st, 2020 and properly round out
BoJack Horseman for good.