Cartoon Network's animated series Over the Garden Wall flew over the heads of many viewers who did not expect this new show created by Patrick Hale (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack, Adventure Time) to gain such cult status with its viewers. Whether it is the tone, animation, or story, Over the Garden Wall has become a staple for fans of fantasy and heartfelt stories.
While the show premiered in 2014, it still has a lot of attention even today, and there is always a chance to see fans of the show get creative with their love of the characters by creating outfits or other things based on them. However, just when everyone thought that there was nothing new coming from the show, it turns out there is still one stone left unturned.
According to the show's composers, The Blasting Company, there are still 6 cut tracks that never made it into the series, and for this whole time, since its release, no one has ever heard them...until now! Thanks to a tweet from the composers that contains a link, the songs can now be accessed through various outlets like Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, and Shazam on an album titled Sketches of the Unknown.
If unsure what the album is specifically, just look to the artwork by Lavinia Knight of a frog playing the piano! We would love to hear what you think of the unreleased songs in the comments below!
The series centers on two half-brothers who travel across a mysterious forest to find their way home, encountering a variety of strange and fantastical things on their journey.
The cut tracks from Over the Garden Wall can be found in the tweet above!