Peppa Pig is a British animated preschool series directed and produced by Astley Baker Davies. The television series revolves around Peppa, a young and anthropomorphic pig, as well as her family and friends. There have been six seasons of Peppa Pig since it first aired all the way back in 2004 — most recently in February 2019.
In December, Hasbro acquired the rights to
Peppa Pig with their $3.8 million acquisition of Entertainment One. It has now been announced that longtime
Peppa Pig voice actress Harley Bird will be stepping down from the role. Bird has been playing Peppa Pig since she was a young girl herself and for a total of thirteen years and 185 episodes.
Prior to 2007, Peppa had been voiced by two other English-speaking voice actresses — those being Lily Snowden-Fine and Cecily Bloom respectively. Bird provided a statement
PEOPLE after the news broke of her departure from the role.
"Becoming the voice of Peppa Pig at the age of 5 was the start of an incredible journey and I'll never forget my time on the show," Bird began.
"The people that work on Peppa Pig have become like a family to me and they've given me some unforgettable memories. I ... am looking forward to starting the next chapter in my life."