For almost two decades, the iconic animated series Spongebob Squarepants has been entertaining its viewers. The show has seen the character grow and become a tentpole character that can stand with the likes of Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse.
However, since his debut, we have only seen Spongebob's younger years through funny flashbacks or passing comments. Now, Nickelodeon has decided to fully explore this idea with a brand new CG series titles Kamp Koral: Spongebob's Under Years.
The new series will see younger versions of the cast as they enjoyed their time at Kamp Koral, a camp conducted in the kelp forest. While this new series seems to be divisive with both younger and older fans due to some of its changes to the lore of the series, there is no doubt that the same heart will be included from the original series to this one.
A first look was announced on the SpongeBob official Twitter that can be seen below! We would love to hear your thoughts on the announcement in the comments below!
In Kamp Koral: SpongeBob’s Under Years, SpongeBob meets Patrick, Sandy, Squidward, Plankton and Mr. Krabs, and the new friends embark on all the joys of camp, including hunting for treasure, slacklining and more.
Kamp Koral: Spongebob's Under Years is coming to Paramount+ and Nickelodeon in 2021!