From the creator of Adventure Time, Pendelton Ward, comes an all-new existential adventure. The Midnight Gospel is an adult-oriented animated series that will deal with mature concepts and existential questions about life, death, and everything in between.
The series follows, Clancy, a space-caster who uses a multiverse simulator to interview beings living in other worlds. Earlier this month, Netflix released an official trailer for The Midnight Gospel which provided a glimpse at what to expect from the show. The voice cast includes Duncan Trussell, Phil Hendrie, and Drew Pinskey — the former of which also serves as co-creator.
Based on the animation style and synopsis, it certainly seems like it's going to be a trippy and thought-provoking affair. However, not to worry, it isn't without comedic charm. It's not a far cry from Ward's former series but, being aimed at an entirely different demographic, it's certainly not on the same level either.
Well, as of today; The Midnight Gospel is now available to stream on Netflix everywhere that the streaming service itself is available. We're talking the entire first season, all eight episodes of it. Here's a link to the official Netflix page. You can check out the aforementioned official trailer below.
Traversing trippy worlds inside his universe simulator, a space caster explores existential questions about life, death and everything in between.
The Midnight Gospel is now streaming on Netflix.