The Midnight Gospel is an upcoming, adult-oriented animated series from Pendleton Ward and Duncan Trussell — the former of whom is best known for creating Adventure Time. The voice cast includes Trussell, Phil Hendrie, and Drew Pinsky.
In the same vein as Adventure Time, The Midnight Gospel appears to be quite trippy and strange. However, unlike Adventure Time, it will tackle topics in a more mature manner on account of being meant for an adult audience rather than children.
The official synopsis which is currently featured on The Midnight Gospel's official Netflix page, teases that the series will cover deep and existential questions about life, death, and everything in between. It's certainly going to be a thought-provoking affair.
Earlier this week, Netflix released the first official trailer for The Midnight Gospel and it does a good job showing off the absolute madness that the show itself seems to be. What's more, the trailer reveals that The Midnight Gospel will debut on the streaming service on April 20th.
Check out the official trailer for The Midnight Gospel below (via Netflix):
Traversing trippy worlds inside his universe simulator, a space caster explores existential questions about life, death and everything in between.
The Midnight Gospel premieres on Netflix on April 20th, 2020.