Transformers, as a franchise, has grown exponentially since they were but a simple toy line in the 1980s - over the past decade becoming one of the most financially beneficial franchises in the world. With even individual characters now getting the solo movie treatment - Bumblebee arriving in theatres in December - a producer recently teased that another fan-favourite character could also be in for a spin-off in the future.
Optimus Prime has been the leader of the Autobots since the toy line in 1984. '84 also saw the debut of Transformers comic books and the famous animated series. From 1984 to now, Peter Cullen has been attached to Optimus Prime - his voice becoming so iconic that he was cast as Optimus Prime again when Michael Bay rebooted the franchise, now making it live-action, in 2007 - if that isn't reason enough that he's earned a solo movie then what is?
Speaking with Entertainment Weekly, when asked of the likelihood of an Optimus-centric spin-off, Lorenzo di Bonaventura had this to say:
I'd certainly like to do that. It would be a very different kind of movie than a Bumblebee movie, but equally interesting and different.
Bonaventure went on to discuss the differences between, fan-favourite Autobots, Bumblebee and Optimus Prime - explaining why Bumblebee was the first choice for a solo piece:
He's a stoic leader, and you can count on him. Whereas Bumblebee is the one who is more emotionally volatile. He has a lot of ups and downs. So it seemed like the best character to try for the first time zeroing in on one Autobot.
Though the producer didn't outright state it, we can only imagine that such fantasized solo movies hinge on the success of Bumblebee - so if you'd like to see an Optimus Prime film, you'd better go out and support Bumblebee once it releases in December.
What do you think about the producer's comments? Would you like to see and Optimus-focused film? Which other Transformers characters deserve a spin-off?
On the run in the year 1987, Bumblebee the Autobot seeks refuge in a junkyard in a small California beach town. Charlie, on the brink of turning 18 years old and trying to find her place in the world, soon discovers the battle-scarred and broken Bumblebee. When Charlie revives him, she quickly learns that this is no ordinary yellow Volkswagen.
Bumblebee will be driving into theatres on December 21st.