Despite Disney-Pixar's
Toy Story animated film franchise being one of the most well-known and popular series in the world, the fourth instalment hasn't managed to top the Chinese box office. Instead, the Academy Award-winning anime film by the name of
Spirited Away got the number one spot (via
Prior to its release,
Toy Story 4 was quite unanimously well recieved all over the world - this includes China. So it's quite surprising that it has managed to be bested by a seventeen-year-old Shojo. Disney-Pixar's latest managed to earn only $13 million at the Chinese box office, while Spirited Away made more than double that: $28 million.
Impressive to say the least. This is likely on account of
Spirited Away's currently ongoing theatrical release being the first time that the popular anime feature film has released on the big screen in China.
Woody has always been confident about his place in the world and that his priority is taking care of his kid, whether that’s Andy or Bonnie. But when Bonnie adds a reluctant new toy called “Forky” to her room, a road trip adventure alongside old and new friends will show Woody how big the world can be for a toy.
Toy Story 4 is in theatres now.