Paramount recently released two brief teasers for their upcoming Transformers spinoff: Bumblebee. The new promos give us our first look at Optimus Prime and Soundwave, on top of some other new footage. The trailer ends with confirmation that a full-length trailer will be dropping at some point tomorrow. Tomorrow's trailer is evidently the one which was shown during Bumblebee's panel at Comic-Con - however, until now it was exclusive to Hall H.
As you can see in the trailer Optimus Prime and Soundwave's designs are perfect recreations of their original looks from the 1980s cartoon series. We also get a better look at new Decepticons: Ravage, Shatter, and Dropkick - as well as some amusing antics between the titular Autobot and his friend Charlie Watson (played by Hailee Steinfeld).
Check out the teasers below:
The upcoming spinoff is set 20 years before the events of the previous Transformers films - here's the official synopsis:
On the run in the year 1987, Bumblebee finds refuge in a junkyard in a small Californian beach town. Charlie (Hailee Steinfeld), on the cusp of turning 18 and trying to find her place in the world, discovers Bumblebee, battle-scarred and broken. When Charlie revives him, she quickly learns this is no ordinary, yellow VW bug.
What do you think of Optimus and Soundwave's design? Are you looking forward to Bumblebee?
Bumblebee drives into theatres on December 21st.