Paramount's Hall H panel at San Diego Comic-Con revealed some some new footage and key details about the highly anticipated
Transformers spinoff movie
Here's a long description of what those in attendance were treated to:
Opens with Bumblebee in the woods, running, being chased by an army vehicle and shot at... he runs to a what looks like a compound and looks up a mountain... he runs but is hit by the truck...Jet flys in 'Who called in the Air Force?' It is Blitzwing, shoots at Bumblebee, transforms, 'So you think you can hide?' They scuffle, but it looks like Bumblebee is going to lose as he is dropped off the mountain and 'sentenced to death.' His core cells show that he is in critical failure and he snaps an image of the VW beetle.
Alarm wakes at 800am...Hailee Steinfeld getting ready for... whatever... she goes to work on a boat dock and knocks over a row of boats which uncovers this old VW Bug, that isn't just a bug, She gets in and wipes the dust. She offers to work every day for a year in a trade for the car... and then gets it running...'It's a death trap..... but she's happy though.' Takes the car home and slides underneath... it boots up right above her.
She, stands in awe, but doesn't say she found a transformer (sorry, Mark Wahlberg fans). Bumblebee sets in the corner and appears sad as she approaches to talk to him. Reached out and touched him... which is met by a softening 'face' of Bumblebee. She asks all the typical questions, which Bumblebee can't answer... but points at her for information: Im Charley Watson, i'm 18 today, its my birthday today...She prods for more answers, which he buzzes answers, and she decides that she is going to call him Bumblebee.
Burns and the two Decepticons meet up and says that they have a common enemy. Back to the faster cuts... Bumblebee 'transforming' on a beach as practice breaks up a chase scene, shooting scenes, and more chase scenes. There was a quick hologram that LOOKED a lot like Optimus Prime.
According to those in attendance, we're in for a more faithful to the original cartoon version of Optimus Prime - at last!
Peter Cullen, the voice of Optimus Prime, took part in the fan Q&A session of the show where he mentioned that he isn't in a lot of footage. Director Travis Knight then added to that statement by reiterating that the film is called Bumblebee for a reason.
Even more good news for fans of the classic Transformers series, apparently we're going to be visiting Cybertron during the film - Knight had this to say on that:
I mean, if they are going to give me the money to do it, how could I not take the opportunity to visit Cybertron.
This is an origin story. Bumblee has always had the greatest connection with humans and humanity. What is it about him and us that can connect them together. We find out who he was before he met us, then we see how he becomes who he becomes and why, and then what he does after that.
Bumblebee is truly looking like its set to be the greatest Transformers movie yet - hopefully it lives up to the hype.
What do you think of the footage description? What about what director Travis Knight had to say about Cybertron?
On the run in the year 1987, Bumblebee the Autobot seeks refuge in a junkyard in a small California beach town. Charlie, on the brink of turning 18 years old and trying to find her place in the world, soon discovers the battle-scarred and broken Bumblebee. When Charlie revives him, she quickly learns that this is no ordinary yellow Volkswagen.
Bumblebee will be arriving in theatres on the 21st of December.