Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse has been out for three weeks, gained critical-acclaim, and monetary success. Despite that Sony's newest animated film is still available to watch in theatres, the entire script for Into The Spider-Verse has been released online.
Rodney Rothman, who co-directed and wrote the script, recently tweeted out (@rodneyrothman) that Sony was kind enough to allow the screenplay to be read online. Rothman's tweet can be seen below and if you'd like to check out the script, it's available here.
Synopsis: In the "classic Spider-Man mold", Miles Morales must juggle his high school life with his status as a superhero, as he is introduced to the "Spider-Verse" where there can be more than just one Spider-Man.
What do you think of the script being released online? What are your thoughts on Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse?
Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is in theatres now.