The recently released endeavour into cinema by Teen Titans Go! gleefully picks apart the modern superhero-movie trend. Many common tropes are ridiculed throughout the irreverent animated comedy - one in particular references DC Comics rival company Marvel.
Over the years, since X-Men back in the year 2000, Stan Lee's appearances throughout comic-book movies have become quite renowned. A trip to see a Marvel movie simply wouldn't be complete without the lovable 95-year-old making an appearance - and subsequently fellow moviegoers erupting into a whispered chant of "hey, it's Stan Lee!"
But for the first time, Lee has hopped over to the DC Comics side of the comic-book movie industry and made a hilarious cameo in Teen Titans Go! To The Movies.
An animated version of Lee makes several appearances during the film - attempting to make his trademarked appearance. He whimsically announces "This is Stan Lee - dig my subtle cameo! This is a DC movie! I gotta get outta here!" He later makes another appearance, this time saying his famous catchphrase: "Excelsior!"
It's truly a sight. What do you think about Stan Lee making a cameo appearance in Teen Titans Go! To The Movies? Have you already seen the animated comedy - if so, what did you think of it?