Aardman Animation's iconic claymation character; Shaun the Sheep ventured onto the big screen for the first time back in 2015. All in all, the first instalment was quite the success - attaining a 99% rating on Rotten Tomatoes as well as quintupling its budget. Now the woolly bunch are back with an out-of-this-world sequel.
From the creators of the renowned
Wallace & Gromit films, the first
Shaun the Sheep Movie featured Shaun and his friends from the farmhouse venture across England. They're now taking the misadventures one small step further, or rather one giant leap further.
The first trailer for
Shaun the Sheep 2: Farmageddon (or
A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon) sees Shaun befriend an alien, named LU-LA, whose equipped with many extraterrestrial abilities. The gang's mission thereby becomes finding LU-LA's lost spaceship and sending her back home, all while being hunted down by a secret organisation.
Check out the trailer below:
Shaun the Sheep 2: Farmageddon will arrive in theatres on May 15th, 2019.