Rumble is an upcoming animated sports movie produced by Paramount Animation and WWE Studios. The film includes the voices of well-known actors and WWE wrestlers including Will Arnett, Geraldine Viswanathan, Terry Crews, Roman Reigns, Tony Danza, Becky Lynch, Susan Kelechi Watson, Stephen A. Smith, Jimmy Tatro and Ben Schwartz.
The film takes place in a world in which humans and kaiju-sized monsters coexists and, not only that, the big monsters are superstar wrestlers. A young girl named Winnie, who hopes to live up to her father's legacy, coaches a bumbling underdog monster named Steve so that he can challenge the reigning champion, Tentacular, for his podium position. These three characters are voiced by the first three above-mentioned actors respectively.
This animated film has been burdened with copious amounts of delays, originally having been set to debut theatrically in July 2020. After four more delays, certainly on account of the COVID-19 pandemic, Rumble has settled on a December 15th, 2021 release. Not only that, though, Rumble will debut on the Paramount+ streaming service rather than theatrically.
The new release arrangement was revealed in a new trailer for the animated film that you can check out below (via WWE):