Paramount Player's live-action/CG hybrid adaptation of the classic Nickelodeon animated series, Rugrats, has found its director in David Bowers. Bowers, who directed three of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid movies, will helm the project with a script from David Goodman.
Rugrats followed a group of toddlers — the core consisting of Tommy Pickles, Chuckie Finster, and the twins Phil and Lil DeVille — as they experienced every day life through what their young minds perceived to be wild and amazing adventures. The series ran on Nickelodeon from 1991 to the early 2000s, and even spawned feature-length movies, video games, comics, multiple spin-off shows, and all sorts of merchandise ranging from toothpaste to cereal.
In the movie, the babies will be created in CG and presumably placed within real-world environments. Bowers certainly has the resume for the job as his background includes animator and co-director of Flushed Away and Astro Boy. As previously mentioned, he directed a trio of Diary of a Wimpy Kid movies.
The Rugrats will escape the playpen and hit the big screen on January 29, 2021.