Detective Pikachu is an upcoming live action adaptation absed on the Pokémon worldwide phenomenon; directed by Rob Letterman, and starring Ryan Reynolds as Detective Pikachu, Justice Smith, and Ken Watanabe. The highly anticipated movie is expected to hit theatreson the
10th of May.
If the first trailer for
Detective Pikachu didn't sell you on the movie, the second one most definitely did; especially because of that awesome, and somewhat unexpected, appearannce by Mewtwo — which became the most talked-about topic after the trailer released.
Sadly, and because he only showed up for a few seconds, we didn't quite get the chance to get a good look at Mewtwo; until just recently.
These new
Pokémon trading cards, that will go on sale on the
5th of April, give us a better look at some of the Pokémon that will be featured in the movie, such as Bulbasaur, Ludicolo, Machamp, Detective Pikachu himself, and Mewtwo.
Take a look:
The first-ever live-action Pokémon movie, “POKÉMON Detective Pikachu” stars Ryan Reynolds as the titular character in the first-ever live-action movie based on the iconic face of the global Pokémon brand—one of the world’s most popular, multi-generation entertainment properties and most successful media franchises of all time.
Detective Pikachu will release in theatres on the 10th of May in 2019.