The Lion King is a classic animated film from 1994. It might have been a staple of your childhood, you might love the film and think that it's one of Disney's best but what if Disney plagarized a lot of it from an old anime series? Well, there seems to be a lot of evidence backing this claim.
With the live-action remake of the 1994 animated film having arrived in theatres, the controversy surrounding its origins has resurfaced. Osamu Tezuka's
Kimba the White Lion was an anime series from the 1960s which is strikingly similar both visually and thematically to
The Lion King — to the point that many believe that Disney flat-out ripped it off.
Though Disney deny taking inspiration from
Kimba the White Lion, you simply cannot deny the similarities. A video has been going around the internet as of late which includes a side-by-side comparison of the two animated properties. You can check that out below (via
/r/anime) and decide for yourself whether Disney are being truthul about having no knowledge of
Osamu Tezuka‘s "Kimba the White Lion" and Disney’s “The Lion King” side by side scene comparison from r/anime