Batman Ninja, an anime re-imagining of the Caped Crusader as he is transported to feudal Japan to take on the Joker, is set to debut this week. In anticipation of its April 24 digital release, Sony has published a two minute clip from the upcoming animated film.
The clip is the first two minutes from the movie, highlighting the moment Batman, his friends, and his enemies are transported from Gotham City to feudal Japan. With his powerful gadgets and high-tech weaponry exhausted, Batman must rely on his intellect and allies to restore order to the land and prevent Joker from rewriting history. Check out the two minute clip below.
Batman Ninja takes a journey across the ages as Gorilla Grodd's time displacement machine transports many of Batman's worst enemies to feudal Japan - along with the Dark Knight and a few of his allies. The villains take over the forms of the feudal lords that rule the divided land, with the Joker taking the lead among the warring factions. As his traditional high-tech weaponry is exhausted almost immediately, Batman must rely on his intellect and his allies - including Catwoman and the extended Bat-family - to restore order to the land, and return to present-day Gotham City.
Batman Ninja was created by some of anime's finest filmmakers: director Jumpei Mizusaki (Opening animation of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure), writer Kazuki Nakashima (Gurren Lagann), and character designer Takashi Okazaki (Afro Samurai) produced the original movie with Warner Bros. Japan. Award-winning screenwriters Leo Chu and Eric Garcia reinterpreted and rewrote the script for English. If you enjoyed the clip above, check out the full trailer below.
Batman Ninja is set for digital release on April 24, with a physical release of Blu-ray/DVD/Digital combo coming May 8., and/or the user who contributed this post, may earn commissions or revenue through clicks or purchases made through any third-party links contained within the content above.