The physical release date for
Batman: Hush, the animated adaptation of Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee's acclaimed comic book series, has been moved up. Originally set to arrive as a 4K Ultra HD Combo Pack and a Blu-ray Combo Pack on August 13, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment has pushed the release up a week to August 6. It's release on the DC Universe streaming service has also been moved up to August 6.
Directed by Justin Copeland with a script from Ernie Altbacker,
Batman: Hush pits the Caped Crusader against a mysterious new villain known as Hush, who uses Gotham's Rogues Gallery to destroy Bruce Wayne's crime-fighting career as Batman as well as his personal life, which is already complicatd by a relationship with Selina Kyle, aka Catwoman. The 12-issue comic series of which it is adapted from ran from 2002 to 2003.
Batman: Hush features an all-star cast headed by Jason O'Mara (
The Man In The High Castle) as the voice of Batman/Bruce Wayne and Jennifer Morrison (
Once Upon A Time) as Catwoman/Selina Kyle. Joining them are Jerry O'Connell as Superman, Rebecca Romijn as Lois Lane, Rainn Wilson as Lex Luthor, Sean Maher as Nightwing, Bruce Thomas as Jim Gordon, Stuart Allan as Damian Wayne, and James Garrett as Alfred.
As a reminder, the 4K Ultra HD Combo Pack and Blu-ray Combo Pack of
Batman: Hush comes with additional bonus content, including:
DC Showcase: Sgt. Rock, an animated short based on DC Comics' gritty World War II hero;
Batman: Love in Time of War, a story short story that explores the relationship of Selina Kyle and the Bruce Wayne; and a sneak peek at
Wonder Woman: Bloodlines, the next animated movie from DC Entertainment featuring its own original storyline.
The July 20th digital release date for
Batman: Hush remains the same.