The big mouse himself, Disney, has released a new picture of Naomi Scott as her character Princess Jasmine from the upcoming live-action adaptation of animated classic Aladdin. The picture has been shared to USA Today and features Jasmine wearing a pink robe with emblematic designs all over.
The upcoming movie is directed by Guy Ritchie who promises to bring a "bigger and brighter" take on this classic tale according to Naomi Scott. The other main characters and their actors are Will Smith as the Genie and Mena Massoud as Aladdin. Smith states that he will definitely be blue in the film, for fans that were wondering.
Dan Lin and Jonathan Eirich are producing the film with the screenplay being written by John August, Guy Ritchie and Vanessa Taylor. The film has a May 24, 2019 release date in the United States and is distributed by Walt Disney Studios and Motion Pictures.
A live-action retelling of the 1992 Disney film of the same name.
Aladdin is out on May 24, 2019