Fox is home to many animated comedies, especially family comedies. The Sunday Night line-up of cartoons which make up the Animation Domination block comprises of The Simpsons, Family Guy, Bob's Burgers, and Duncanville -- three shows that have been around for decades and one that is a new addition to the station.
Andy Richter (Conan) is now hosting a recap show for the programming block called Anidom Beyond. It takes place every Sunday night on following the Animation Domination line-up, meaning it is available at 7 pm PST and 10 pm EST.
We got the opportunity to chat with Richter and we asked him which of the series in the current block is his favorite, and we happened to agree. Check out what the comedian and actor had to say below!
Joe: Being the host of the show, it’s probably fair to guess that you’re a big fan of Fox’s Animation Domination block. Can I ask if you have a favorite series of the group?
Andy Richter: I would have to say Bob’s Burgers because I am friends with so many of the cast and crew.
Joe: Bob’s Burgers features a very dynamic cast. Do you have a favorite amongst the Belcher family?
Andy Richter: I mean, if I have to pick a favorite I would probably say Louise. And I mean Kristin Schall is such a magical performer and she has never not been good in anything she’s been in. She’s an amazing talent and that show is truly special even among animated shows.
Joe: Yeah, Bob’s Burgers has an amazing cast and I love Kristin Schall. Louise is amazing.
Andy Richter: So much love and warmth and humanity is in that show. And I’ve said this before, I care more about those characters than any live action family that’s ever been on TV. And they’re cartoons, they’re children that are being played on adults, and I care more about those kids than maybe even some kids that I know in my own life, like for real.
Joe: Is there anything else you would like to share with your fans about the show or any of your other projects?
Andy Richter: I just hope people check it out if they are a fan of Animation Domination. Right after the shows are done at 7 pm PST and 10 pm EST. Get on and learn a little bit more about what went into the shows. If you care about animation and are interested then it will be a worthwhile conversation for you to eavesdrop on and actually participate in.
What do you think of Richter's comments? Let us know if you'll be checking out Anidom Beyond in the comments!
Anidom Beyond airs live on Caffeine on Sundays at 7 pm PST and 10 pm EST. It can be viewed here.