Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures is an animated short series that debuted back in November 2018 and aired weekly on Star Wars Kids until July 2019. The first season consists of thirty-six shorts in total. Recently, the second season kicked off — more on that here.
Each animated short focuses on an epic moment or character from the iconic science-fantasy saga. The most recent instalment is called "Kylo Ren vs. Resistance Rebels" and, as you would expect, is all about the misled Dark Side user. It takes place between the events of Star Wars: Episode VIII — The Last Jedi and Star Wars: Episode IX — The Rise of Skywalker.
The short depicts Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren as they slaughter their way across the galaxy and destroy anyone who opposes them. There are some truly awesome visuals on-show here and an animation style reminiscent of Genndy Tartakovsky's Star Wars: The Clone Wars series from 2003.
Check it out below (via Star Wars Kids):
Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures is a series of animated shorts celebrating the characters and stories of a galaxy far, far away, featuring a bright and colorful art style, exciting action, and insight into the saga's greatest themes!