Hannah Montana is a Disney Channel series that aired from 2006 to 2011 and consists of 98 episodes — as well as a feature film. Miley Cyrus starred as the titular pop star alongside Emily Osment and Mitchel Musso as her best friends as well as Jason Earles and Billy Ray Cyrus as her brother and father respectively.
Recently, Billy Ray Cyrus participated in an inteview with
Hollywood Life in which he seemed to reveal that a
Hannah Montana reboot (of sorts) is in the works at Disney. It's said that the series would be a prequel to the original and go into how and why Miley first adopted the Hannah Montana alter ego.
"They're talking about doing a prequel, which to me, I would do that in a heartbeat because that means I get to get my mullet back." Cyrus told the site;
"I think there’s a whole story that led up to Miley becoming Hannah Montana."
It's purported that this prequel series will be distributed through Disney's new streaming service (Disney+) similar to the upcoming reboot of
Lizzie McGuire —
find out more on that here.
While Cyrus shows enthusiasm to return, we can only imagine that a prequel series would require an all-new cast — as it would take place prior to the original series — but perhaps the original cast could still return in some way.