Lizzie McGuire is a live-action Disney series (with animated elements) which kicked off back in 2001 and ran until 2004. There were two season which consisted of 65 episodes and the show proved to be quite popular while it lasted — having won the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Award for Favourite TV show in both 2002 and 2003.
Hilary Duff starred as the titular teenager and also voiced the animated version of her who served as a way to express the character's inner thoughts. Hallie Todd, Robert Carradine, and Jake Thomas also featured in
Lizzie McGuire as her family. Duff and the other aforementioned actors will be reprising their roles in an upcoming revival of
Lizzie McGuire for Disney+.
Though the show has been publicly known about for a while now, Disney has only just revealed our very first official look at it. You can check out the official
Disney+ tweet below which features an image of Lizzie with a stuffed llama in the midst of New York City.
As well, Duff recently shared a photo of the cast reunited on social media — you can check that out below.
"We are standing in what will soon be the McGuire living room. What's up fam. We doin this #lizziemcguire #disneyplus," the starring actress captioned the photo on Instagram (