Hasbro has released a new trailer for Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy, a new animated show "skewed towards a preschool audience." Created as a followup to the Transformers: Rescue Bots series, which aired on Discovery Family for four seasons, Rescue Bots Academy introduces fans to a new set of Autobots (Hot Shot, Whirl, Medix, Hoist and Wedge) as they learn how to become heroes on Earth. Seeing as how they are in an "academy," they will train with some of the most legendary Transformers, including Optimus Prime and Heatwave.
The original Rescue Bots worked together with the Burns family composed of first response rescuers, learning teamwork and heroism as they dealth with various disasters while getting familiar with Earth's cultures. It appears Rescue Bots Academy will adopt this same premise, but take a lighter approach more appropriate for younger children.
A group of young Bots fresh from Cybertron (Hot Shot, Whirl, Medix, Hoist and Wedge), have the honor of being the first-ever class to enroll in Earth’s Rescue Bot Training Academy and learn how to become Earth heroes through hands-on experience.
As you can see by the trailer,
Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy definitely looks geared for younger audiences. There's no word yet on when the new series will premiere, but the trailer says the show will be broadcasted on local channels. You can presumably expect a line of
Transformers toys to accompany the show as well.