Marvel's What If...? is an upcoming animated series based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe — that being the Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America movies, and the like. It's set to debut exclusively on Disney+ at some point next year and explore what could have been different about the superhero universe.
For example, one episode will see Agent Peggy Carter injected with Super Solider Serum instead of Steve Rogers. She, therefore, takes on the mantle of Captain America — however, she'll seemingly go by Captain Carter in the series. There's also an episode which will see many characters of the MCU turned into zombified husks.
Thanks to some new pieces of concept art that have surfaced online (via , we've got our first look at a few of these characters. There's images representative of Jeffrey Wright's Uatu the Watcher, Peggy Carter as Captain Carter, Black Panther as Star-Lord (of the
Guardians of the Galaxy), Steve Rogers as some sort of early Iron Monger, and a zombified version of Captain America.
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