Earlier this year, a promo for Disney's rebooted animated series DuckTales contained a brief scene featuring a character that looked very much like Don Karnage, prompting speculation that the infamous TaleSpin villain would be appearing in the show. His cameo has now been confirmed and we even have our first promotional image, courtesy of Entertainment Weekly.
“Having a bunch of sky pirates show up, you expect planes and guns,” executive producer Matt Youngberg told EW. “
Our whole M.O. with DuckTales has been: take a convention you understand already and give it another layer.”
Don Karnage, the cunning leader of a band of the Air Pirates in
TaleSpin, will be voiced by the Broadway-trained Jaime Camil (
Jane the Virgin). That training will apparently come in handy as the villainous sky pirate will attack with a choreographed musical number.
“Don Karnage is devastatingly good looking and very sure of himself,” Camil said of the character.
“He loves to sing, he loves to dance, he loves to be the center of attention.”
This isn't the first time we've had a crossover in
DuckTales. Earlier this year,
Darkwing Duck made an appearance in the show when he was featured in an old TV show in the episode "
Beware The B.U.D.D.Y. System." Don Karnage will make his return to television in
DuckTales on July 28.