Duncanville is a relatively new animated series created by American actress and comedian Amy Poehler (Parks and Recreation) as well as producer and writer Mike Scully and Julie Scully. The show features the voices of Poehler herself, Ty Burrell, Riki Lindhome, Zach Cherry, Yassir Lester and Betsy Sodaro.
It's a sitcom of sorts that premiered back in February. Six episodes have aired thus far and there are at least three more to come — the next of which will debut on April 19th. Welcomed by a majority of positive reviews, each episode of Duncanville has managed to exceed a million viewers.
Earlier this week, the animated sitcom's official Twitter account (@DuncanvilleFOX) announced that; Duncanville has been renewed for a second season at FOX. The second season will likely debut at some point within the 2021-2022 season.
Throughout the past couple of months, Toonado has been privy to exclusive interviews with some of the cast and creators of Duncanville such as one with Mike Scully, another with Julie Scully, and another with Yassir Lester. You can check out each of those interviews by clicking their respective links. Find out what Toonado thought of Duncanville's pilot by clicking here.
Duncanville centers on the life of Duncan Harris, an average 15-year-old boy, who is always one step away from making a bad decision. Along with Duncan lives his mom, a parking enforcement officer, who dreams of being a detective someday and always has to watch Duncan; his dad, who tries to be a better father figure to Duncan than his father was to him; his sister Kimberly, who is a normal teenager going through normal teen-phases; and his other adopted Asian sister Jing, who is an intelligent 5-year-old who is always giving Duncan advice. Mia is Duncan's on-and-off crush.