Disenchantment, a new animated show from the brilliantly creative Matt Groening, is set to debut on Netflix on August 17. Ahead of its anticipated premiere, the streaming service has released three new trailers introducing us to the three main characters: Bean, Elfo, and Luci.
Disenchantment is set in the crumbling medieval kingdom of Dreamland and follows the misadventures of the hard-drinking young princess Bean, her feisty elf companion Elfo, and her personal demon Luci. The videos below provide a bit more context for each of the characters. Bean, for instance, is a princess that defies the standard fantasy princess tropes; she wants to be in charge of her own destiny and when she's pressured into marriage she sets off for her own adventure. Elfo, the cute and spunky wide-eyed elf joins Bean on her misadventures in attempt to learn about the big world around him. And lastly, Luci is a demon (not to be confused with a cat) and has some pretty dark dreams and ideas for the future.
Check out all three clips below.
All ten episodes of
Disenchantment will premiere on Netflix on August 17. You can
watch the official trailer here.