BoJack Horseman is an acclaimed and mature animated show that deals with such serious subject matters as depression, trauma, addiction, self-destructive behaviour, sexism, racism, and the human experience as a whole. Will Arnett stars as the titular character alongside the likes of Aaron Paul, Alison Brie, and Amy Sedaris.
Over a year has passed since the fifth season was released in full on Netflix. It's now time for the sixth season and it's also (almost) time to bid
BoJack Horseman farewell. Last month,
the first trailer for Season 6 debuted and it was revealed that it would be the final season of the animated show.
As of today, the first half of the sixth season is available to stream on Netflix — that's eight all-new episodes. Another eight episodes will debut on the popular streaming service on January 31st, 2020 — and they will be the final episodes of
BoJack Horseman. So, get streaming! You can check out the trailer for Season 6 below.