FXX is hyping up the next installment of the spy-themed animated comedy series, Archer, which is premiering on FXX later this month. To hype up the "world's greatest spy" returning, the station put up a trailer for the season (watch below).
Season 12 sees ISIS faced with a new threat as they struggle to find jobs as the International Intelligence Agency, a new and more professional spy agency, comes to town, snatching all the good gigs away. It also seems they'll touch on climate change at some point in the season and, predictably, Archer finds himself with a monkey in the jungle. Oh and Malory complains about nature, too.
For the unitiated, Archer follows the spy-related exploits of Sterling Archer, a self-absored, alcoholic spy who always seems to blunder mission after mission in some fashion with the help or scoulding of his co-workers, including but not limited to -- Lana Kane, a spy with her eye on the prize and . There's also Cyril Figgis, ISIS' resident comptroller and field agent, and their bomb specalist, Ray Gillette. There's also Kreiger, a clone of Adolf Hitler, but he's mostly just there as an inventor.
You will be able to watch Archer when it premieres on August 25 on FXX. It will then stream to both FX and Hulu the very next day. Read the full description.
In season 12 of FXX‘s comedy Archer, “Sterling Archer“ and gang face a new threat: a spy conglomerate known as IIA (International Intelligence Agency). With a limited number of spy jobs up for grabs, can the Agency compete against the soulless vultures of IIA, or will our mom-and-pop spy agency be the next to get swallowed alive?