Cartoon Network's Adult Swim has always been a home for outlandish and ridiculous animated comedy shows including the likes of Rick and Morty, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and Tuca and Bertie. Considering this, it comes as no surprise that a new series entitled Royal Crackers is set to premiere this upcoming weekend.
As ridiculous as it sounds, this is not an April Fools joke. A family of imbeciles inherits a successful cracker company after their father dies. In addition to the silly personalities of each of the family members, they have absolutely zero idea what to do when it comes to running a business - especially a successful one.
We were able to view the first three episodes, and you're going to want to watch those and then some. To get you hyped up for the show we've included our exclusive interview with the creators behind the craziness - Jason Ruiz and Seth Fowler. In addition to our full video interview, we've also included headshots of both men before their quotes on how this series came together.
Jason Ruiz: I think it was just a discussion Seth and I had. I think we were both watching Succession in 2019 - that's how long ago this was. We were just discussing this idea about an animated show where a family company where the stakes are treated just as highly by them; they treated it as this coveted piece of treasure, basically like the Iron Throne. But to the audience and everyone else, it was just a measly snack food company.
I think Theo was the first character we started. Because I remember originally the pilot was going to be like The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Because Theo had just moved in and he thought himself as the Fresh Prince. Because he's like "Yeah I'm about to blow this house up!"
That got shot down wisely by Adult Swim because it feels like a premise pilot that's starting a story and you want a pilot that feels like it could be episode nine or ten. But I think Theo was the original character that kicked us off.
The dad - eventually there's an origin story episode where you're going to see him young and alive and speaking and energetic. So that did end up becoming the decision that we would end up filling in with more life. I want to say that at the start we were just going to have him be a lump forever. But it turns out he had a lot to say.
Seth Cohen: It's interesting, it's one of those things where Adult Swim was down, but it was one of those things where Jason and the writers got in there and thought, "oh, this is an interesting story!" You kind of don't know where the show's gonna go, but that episode that Jason's referencing - in some ways, I feel like it's a favorite of a lot of the people on the inside just because it's a character we haven't seen and it's such an interesting time, and visually, I think it's very interesting.
A Bakersfield family’s once-successful cracker company dynasty is up for grabs in Adult Swim’s newest animated comedy, Royal Crackers. Royal Crackers was once the king of snacks, but the empire is crumbling. When the family patriarch, tyrannical company founder Theodore Hornsby Sr. ends up in a “super coma,” the rest of the Hornsbys will take their lack of talent and business acumen and try to make Royal Crackers the success it once was.
Royal Crackers premieres on Adult Swim this Sunday, April 2nd and on HBO Max the following day.