The Loud House is a show on Nickelodeon that chronicles the life and times of a young boy who is the only brother in a house of 11 sisters. With the help of his friend, he makes the most out of every day and whatever may come of it.
While the The Loud House has not been on as long as some of its contemporaries like Spongebob Squarepants or The Fairly Oddparents, with four seasons and a fifth on the way, it has definitely shown that it has the potential to last for quite some time.
Being that the series is the number 1 animated series on Nickelodeon, for its demographic, the studio has already greenlit the show for a sixth season, even before the fifth season has premiered! The show's sixth season will follow each character as they continue to grow through their childhoods and the ups and downs that will come with it.
With the series being such a hit among its fans, it's exciting to see what hte future will hold for The Loud House. We would love to hear your thoughts on the series and its new season in the comments below!
Lincoln Loud is an eleven-year-old boy who lives with ten sisters. With the help of his right-hand man Clyde, Lincoln finds new ways to survive in such a large family every day. Things are crowded in the Loud household, with 11 children -- 10 girls and one boy -- causing craziness in the house.
The Loud House will premiere its fifth season on Neckelodeon on September 11th at 7:00 PM (ET/PT)!