RUMOR: The Plot Of FROZEN 2 Will Involve Anna & Elsa Searching For Their Shipwrecked Parents
The first trailer for Frozen 2, unfortunately, didn't reveal much about the film's story, however, a new rumour claims that it will see Elsa and Anna on a search to find their parents.
The first trailer for Frozen 2 released a month ago and saw the return of Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, Stefan, and Olaf. The trailer was truly epic but didn't reveal much in terms of the highly-anticipated sequel's story - with only one word spoken throughout the entire two-minute runtime. Therefore, just what the characters were doing in the various clips of the trailer is still up in the air.
Jim Hill and Drew Taylor of the Fine Tooning Podcast (via SlashFilm) recently teased that they may be privy to some tidbits regarding the story of Frozen 2, particularly what Elsa and Anna are searching for.
If you recall, the first Frozen movie featured a montage in which Anna and Elsa grow up from a young age. During the said montage, to the increasingly dour tune of 'Do You Wanna Build a Snowman', we witness their parents at sea amid a terrible storm. They're never seen again. That is until the sequel, at least that's what the hosts of the Fine Tooning Podcast suppose.
In a recent episode of the aforementioned podcast, the pair discuss the recent Frozen 2 trailer before teasing: “It is about Anna and Elsa searching for what actually happened to their parents…they’re going to go beyond Arendelle.”
This would obviously suit the desolate island setting which we see Anna and Elsa stranded upon throughout much of the trailer - it would seem that they end up shipwrecked just like their parents. Whether the royal pair find their parents is uncertain, as is the legitimacy of this rumour.