Tom and Jerry franchise is set its first major theatrical release with a live-action movie to release in 2021. Tim Story (
Fantastic Four) is attached to direct, while Bryan Schulz, Cornelius Uliano, and Kevin Costello are responsible for the film's script. A recent report by
The Hollywood Reporter has revealed a plethora of actors who have joined the upcoming film's cast.
Prior to this news, the film's cast consisted of Chloe Grace Mortez (
Kick-Ass), Michael Pena (
Ant-Man), and Colin Jost (
Saturday Night Live). Moretz will play the character of Kayla, a girl who works at a Park Hotel and enlists Tom to help her rid the place of a rambunctious mouse (Jerry). Pena will play her boss, who's name is Terrance.
As for Jost, we don't know anything about his role. Similarly, details on the roles of the newly announced actors are also scarce. Ken Jeong (
Community), Rob Delaney (
Deadpool 2), Jordan Bolger (
The 100), and Pallavi Sharda (
Lion) have all joined the cast as Jackie, DuBros, Cameron, and Preeta respectively. Beyond their names, we don't know anything about the characters that they'll be playing.
The live-action Tom and Jerry movie is set to arrive in theatres on April 16th, 2021.