From Disney and director Tim Burton (Batman), Dumbo expands on the beloved story where differences are celebrated, family is cherished and dreams take flight. Now, a very cool new image has been released which shows the adorable elephant taking flight.
"Tim is suspicious of things getting too sweet," star Colin Farrell says, referring to director Tim Burton. "When Tim comes in to give his notes, he is a 60-year-old. [But] watching the monitor, he is just a child. It was lovely to see that level of engagement."
As of right now, there seems to be a lot more excitement for Aladdin and The Lion King and it will be interesting seeing whether or not Disney manages to rebound after Christopher Robin didn't perform quite as well as expected last year (even though it was a fantastic movie and a great tribute to the animated adventures of Pooh).
Starring Colin Farrell, Michael Keaton, Danny DeVito, Eva Green, Nico Parker Rooney, Douglas Reith, Joseph Gatt and Alan Arkin, Dumbo is set to be released on March 29th, 2019.
Click on the image below to see the full-size version!