Over the decades, there have been countless animated Marvel shows. From the older series like Silver Surfer, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, X-Men, The Incredible Hulk, Fantastic 4, Iron Man, and Spider-Woman to the newer side of things with titles such as Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H., Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Wolverine and the X-Men, Marvel's Super Hero Squad, Ultimate Spider-Man, there are far too many others to name.
Many Marvel Cinematic Universe fans, both casual and die-hard, avoid animated programming as it isn't what they've grown to know or expect from the MCU. However, the newest animated series from Marvel takes place in the universe and features almost every character's voice actors from the films.
On its own, that might not seem like enough to grab the attention of fans, but the fact that Loki star Tom Hiddleston, who is also appearing in What If...?, said that the events of the animated series would have a serious effect on the universe in the future. With the same sentiment being teased ahead of Loki's release, it makes sense that both shows will be receiving a second season.
That's right, What If...? may not premiere until next Wednesday, but it already has been confirmed for a second season. Unlike with Loki, where fans got the official confirmation of the series continuation in the post-credit sequence, this is completely different, with fans knowing before checking the show out that there is more to come.
The question is, will that be enough to get casual fans to tune in? Will it add to the anticipation, or could the announcement of more episodes potentially overwhelm viewers who prefer limited series like WandaVision and Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
Which do you prefer, the limited series or the shows with multiple seasons? Regardless of your thoughts, be sure to share them in the usual spot below, and let us know which What If...? variant character you're most excited to see!
Enter the multiverse of unlimited possibilities. Marvel Studios' first animated series, What If...?, starts streaming August 11 with new episodes Wednesdays on Disney+. “What If… ?” features fan-favorite characters, including Peggy Carter, T’Challa, Doctor Strange, Killmonger, Thor and more. The new series, directed by Bryan Andrews with AC Bradley as head writer, features signature MCU action with a curious twist.
Disney+ will begin streaming the first three episodes of Marvel's What If...? on Wednesday, August 11th.