Star Wars: Ahsoka is an upcoming, live-action Disney+ streaming series that was announced back in December of last year and will star Rosario Dawson as the titular Force-wielder. Dawson reprises the role of Ahsoka, having played her in the second season of the Disney+ series The Mandalorian. However, Ahsoka is best known for featuring in the two animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels.
In the latter animated series, Ahsoka met the main cast of titular heroes including Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren. It has been confirmed that the latter rebel will feature in the upcoming series and be played by Natasha Liu Bordizzo (via Deadline).
Rumours pertaining to Sabine Wren appearing in live-action have circulated for a long while now, some asserting that Tiya Sircar or Sasha Banks would play the role — evidently neither of those exactly came to fruition. Bordizzo has featured in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny, Hotel Mumbai, The Society, Guns Akimbo, The Voyeurs, and the upcoming Dayshift.
It seems Star Wars: Ahsoka is quite the follow-up to Star Wars Rebels and will almost certainly see the titular Jedi and Sabine go out in search of Ezra and Grand Admiral Thrawn — who vanished into hyperspace upon the ending of the animated series. Being a Mandalorian herself, don't be surprised if this role in Star Wars: Ahsoka leads to Bordizzo also showing up in The Mandalorian.