Marvel Future Avengers is an anime series produced by Madhouse and Walt Disney Japan. It's based on the Marvel Comics uniiverse and kicked off back in 2017. The first season consisted of 26 episodes while the second, that aired in 2018, featured thirteen.
The series follows three super-powered teenagers who were raised by Hydra and under the belief that the Avengers are the bad guys. However, they soon realise the truth and Hydra's nefarious intentions. After managing to escape the evil organisation, they encounter the Avengers who agree to take them on and train them as a new force of superheroes — the Future Avengers.
Though there was an English dub for the second season, the series never officially made its way over to the West. However, that's about to change. Disney has announced (via
D23) that
Marvel Future Avengers will be coming to their streaming service as soon as next month — specifically on February 28th.
It will be slightly retitled to
Marvel's Future Avengers (as opposed to
Marvel Future Avengers). It's unclear whether the first season will be redubbed by the English cast or simply be available to stream in Japanese with English subtitles — or whether only the second season will be available as that already has an English-dubbed version. Regardless, we'll be sure to inform you when we find out.