Ice Age is an American animated comedy film that debuted all the way back in 2002. It served as the first animated feature film of Blue Sky Studios — and was released by 20th Century Fox. The voice cast includes Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, and Denis Leary.
The animated film follows Manny the mammoth (Romano), Sid the loquacious sloth (Leguizamo), and Diego the sabre-toothed tiger (Leary) as they go on a comical quest to return a human baby back to his father, across a world on the brink of an ice age.
Ice Age earned an Academy Award nomination in the Best Animated Feature category but didn't manage to win — which is understantable given that its competition was Studio Ghibli's
Spirited Away. Four sequels to
Ice Age have since released, the most recent of which debuted in 2016.
As of today,
Ice Age is now available to stream on the Disney+ streaming service — provided that you're subscribed (via
What's on Disney Plus). Fans on Twitter certainly seem to be excited about the addition. This certainly adds something to reports from October 2019 which claimed that Disney are developing an
Ice Age spinoff for the streaming service —
find out more on that here.