With The Simpsons now officially a Disney family, the House of Mouse plans on tapping into the animated series rich history. Announced this week, all 30 seasons of The Simpsons (and presumably any future ones) will be featured on Disney+, the company’s highly anticipated streaming service.
The Simpsons celebrated the announcement with a brief video featuring the eponymous family as they join their “corporate overlords.” As Homer reminds them that “you only get one chance to make a first impression,” they reluctantly don the iconic Mickey Mouse ears. By joining Disney, there's now a whole slew of jokes on the table for the animated comedy series and some of the potential is teased in the clip.
Premiering in 1989, The Simpsons proved to be one of Fox’s most profitable and popular franchises, as evidenced by its historic run which is currently on its 30th season. It may not be the ratings machine it was at its prime, but it’s still an entertaining show that’ll help flesh out what is shaping up to be a robust library of content on Disney+.
Disney+ is slated to launch on November 12. It will be priced at just $6.99 a month, or a discounted rate of $69.99 for the year.