Matt Groening, creator of the long-running animated comedy series
The Simpsons, has finally confirmed that Michael Jacksonmade a cameo appearance in the show back in 1991. The episode, titled "Stark Raving Dad", saw Homer Simpson encounter Leon Kompowsky, a mental patient who believed he was Michael Jackson. The episode itself credits Kompowsky to a "John Jay Smith" - a pretty clear pseudonym.
Groening told
The Weekly,
“We really did have him," before admitting that he initially hung up on Jackson, who'd called up in hopes of getting a role on the show, believing it do be a prank call.
“Because he has a voice that sounds like somebody doing a Michael Jackson bit. He said that he loved Bart and wanted to be on the show.”
Though there were rumours of Jackson's involvement since the episode aired, the situation was further muddled by the iconic “Happy Birthday, Lisa” song actually being performed by Kipp Lennon - an MJ imitator.
Groening explained further:
“He didn’t want credit for it. It was some kind of deal with his record company or whatever, so when it came time to do the songs, he had a sound-alike singer. And he stood there and watched the guy who was so nervous, who had to sound like Michael Jackson, and [Jackson] giggled.”
What do you think of Michael Jackson's cameo finally being confirmed 27 years later? Check out The Weekly's interview with Groening, in which he promotes his new animated series
Disenchantment, below: