The backyard has never felt so alive with the brand new Dreamworks animated series, The Mighty Ones! This new series follows four friends, Rocksy, Very Berry, Twig, and Leaf, as they spend each and every day discovering new things and getting into tons of shenanigans.
The new series features a ton of animation veterans who have worked on classic shows such as The Ren & Stimpy Show, Samurai Jack, and The Mighty B! Because of this, the humor is sudden and slapstick and also rides the line of gross-out.
A brand new trailer for the series had recently released that gives a fantastic promo of the nine-episode first season. The video shows a good amount of jokes while making sure that nothing too hilarious gets spoiled.
There is still a lot left to discover for the new series, but it goes without saying that The Mighty Ones looks to bring back some humor from the 90s era of animation that hasn't been seen for some time. We would love to hear your thoughts on the video in the comments below!
What do a pebble, a strawberry, a twig and a leaf have in common? They’re the Mighty Ones! This band of diminutive heroes may be the smallest things in the yard, but that won’t stop them from living big lives! Join the adventures in the all new animated series, The Mighty Ones!
The Mighty Ones begins streaming on Hulu and Peacock on November 9th!