When trainers learned that there would be a limited Pokédex in
Pokémon Sword and
Pokémon Shield - with only 400 creatures of the near 1000 creatures that currently exist - they titled it the Dexit Scandal (an obvious play on Brexit as the game's Galar region is UK inspired) and were upset that they wouldn't be able to use some of their favorite creatures in the first Nintendo Switch title.
Upon the game's release, however, players quickly began to sing its praises. The game not only is the top seller on the Nintendo Switch this year but viewing the accolades trailer we included below shows just
how positive the game's reception was - both critical and commercial.
A welcome new feature in
Pokémon Sword and
Pokémon Shield that the previous games in the franchise lacked is that each game has two Gym Leaders that the other one doesn't. While titles in the franchise all the way back to
Pokémon Red and
Pokémon Blue often do something similar by limiting certain creatures from each title to incentivise trading amongst the community, but this is the first time fans have seen Gym Leaders differ.
With the numerous types available in the
Pokémon world and only ten Gym Leaders between the two games - Grass, Water, Fire, Fighting, Ghost, Fairy, Rock, Ice, Dark, Dragon - there are plenty that have been left by the wayside from the newest pair of games. With that in mind, artist, trainer, and twitter user Leopold65107856 tried his hand at contributing to the
Pokémon universe with fan-drawn interpretations of what the other eight types would be like with Gym Leaders to represent them.
The first half consists of Cole (Bug), Sting (Poison), Trish (Psychic), and Greta (Ground), and a second batch of fan-art from the same user rounds out the remaining types with Winston (Flying), Tessa (Electric), Nora (Normal), and Cooper (Steel). Check them out in the tweet below!
What do you think of these fan-drawn Gym Leaders? Could we see some inspiration from some of these characters effect gym leaders in a possible third game title? The franchise has often been known to release a third game following the initial release of the main two -
Pokémon Bow anyone? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section and check out the recent accolades trailer for
Pokémon Sword and
Pokémon Shield below!
Your journey to become a Pokémon champion starts here in the Galar region. Meet never-before-seen Pokémon, and embark on an adventure where you can battle gigantic wild Pokémon.
Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield are now available on Nintendo Switch.