While the
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise is best known for the famliy-friendly animated series from the late 80s and early 90s, as well as subsequent cartoon shows, the franchise began in comic form and was quite adult-oriented.
At San Diego Comic-Con,
Comicbook.com were able to talk to one of the two creators of the
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise: Kevin Eastman. The interview saw the writer discuss the future of the
TMNT franchise and the possibility of an live-action and adult-oriented Netflix series.
Given the franchise spawning from dark and violent comics, Eastman explained that he would love to see a
TMNT series akin to Netflix's
Daredevil series and that it could happen given that a lot of the fanbase has grown up now.
"Its a great question cause it really been so fascinating as we watch so many things on the entertainment side of our industry change so much in particular, you know, and I think of, how I enjoyed Daredevil, the Netflix TV series with Charlie Cox and because Daredevil was a huge influence obviously on the Turtles universe and for me that was my favorite comic growing up."
I feel like The Turtles have evolved to this point after 35 years almost, and this sounds weird, but its almost to where they started out where we had the original black and white comic book come out intended for our older audience, and then we developed a cartoon show specifically for a younger audience, and now I feel like we've gone back to that place where we have the original fans that are like 30 years old.
As Eastman mentioned, as the
Daredevil comic books served as inspiration for the original
TMNT comic books, it would be fitting for a future series to be influenced by the aformentioned Netflix series.
...I feel like that's the direction I think we can go and there'll be enough of and audience to support both. Because we do see a lot of that fans asking when can we get that edgy, you know, Netflix Daredevilish sort of intensity of the Turtles - at the same time, you can balance that with such a wonderful cartoon series like, Rise of the Turtles, the new series, back to that spot where we're sacred to a much younger audience. So I think that's hopefully in the future I'd love to see that, really.