Since debuting on Cartoon Network in 2013, Steven Universe has captured the imaginations of people across the U.S.. The show is strange and loveable. I features exceptional character development despite its 11-minute format. That's all thanks to creator and possible magician Rebecca Sugar, who created Steven and his Crystal Gem pals. Sugar, who formerly worked on CN's other smash hit Adventure Time, currently lives in LA but grew up in the suburbs of Washington DC. According to The Washington Post, Sugar will be headed back home, and for a very cool reason. She will headline this year's Small Press Expo.
The Small Press Expo (or SPX) is a place where independent cartoonists and comic artists can showcase their work. As a teenager, Sugar herself was one of the artists attending. Sugar returns to SPX to offer what is sure to be sage wisdom for anyone interested in cartooning. She will also talk about two upcoming comic projects Marlo in Bed and Pug Davis, that plots of which aren't widely known. She will appear alongside comic creators Derf (My Friend Dahmer), Ngozi Ukazu (Check Please), and many more. SPX starts Saturday, September 15th.
Are you headed to SPX? If so, what would you like to hear Rebecca Sugar talk about? Let us know in the comments below. And for everything Steven Universe, stay tooned to Toonado.