Star Wars: The Clone Wars was a popular animated series which was set between the events of Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. Though the audience and praise that the show amassed throughout its six-season run, following the purchase of Lucasfilm by Disney, it was cancelled to make way for another animated series - that being Star Wars Rebels.
During The Clone Wars' tenth-anniversary panel at the recent San Diego Comic-Con event it was revealed that the show would be revived, next year, headlining Disney's upcoming streaming service: Disney Play. They showed off a brief teaser which saw the return of fan-favourite characters like Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, and Captain Rex.
However, other than what was revealed at Comic-Con, we don't know much information on the soon to be revived series. So when, voice-actor for Obi-Wan on The Clone Wars, James Arnold Taylor recently held an impromptu Q&A on Twitter, one fan took to opportunity to ask how long each new episode will be, to which Taylor told them: "Same as before 22 [minutes]"
What do you think of the episode runtime? Had you hoped for longer given the circumstances? Are you looking forward to Star Wars: The Clone Wars' return?
Star Wars: The Clone Wars will return in 2019 on Disney Play.